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2021 Chevrolet Traverse High Country AWD 4dr

2021 Chevrolet Traverse
Trim Info:
All Wheel Drive, Sport Utility, Sport Utility Vehicles
17 (2020) mpg city / 25 (2020) mpg hwy
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April 10, 2017, 7:42 am


Question: vibration at a certain speed

When driving, I hold the speed at 25, 40, or 70 miles per hour, the car wold vibrate hard. After releasing the gas paddle and pressing it again, it accelerates like it never happen. Took the car to the Chevrolet Dealership and they said I need a new motor and transmission. I need someone to respond if they having this issue and if so, what did you do to correct the issue because my car is not running hot, motor is not knocking and the transmission is not slipping.

January 16, 2018, 5:12 pm

Lyndee T

I have the same exact problem! BUT, I already replaced the transmission at only 55,000 miles. I am taking it in today to see if this is in fact an issue with the refurbished trannie that I put in only 20,000 miles ago.

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